Mon to Fri 8:30am – 5:00pm     1300 116 400

Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5:00pm     1300 116 400

Changeover Time – Identifying and reducing the length of changeovers in business

There are lots of excellent examples where organisations have adopted principles to reduce changeover times.  A race car team is probably the most visual and clearly understood. Its where fractions of a second can actually be the difference between losing and winning the race.  Teams practice changing tyres, simplifying the process, e.g. having one large […]

Work Place Organisation – 5S

One of the most poorly understood and ineffectively used tools in the Lean arsenal is 5S.  It is a common misbelief that 5S is just housekeeping. 5S is a tool comprising 5 steps where the descriptor for each step starts with a letter S.  Originally, they were Japanese words which have subsequently been translated into […]

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