Mon to Fri 8:30am – 5:00pm     1300 116 400

Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5:00pm     1300 116 400

Work Place Organisation – 5S

One of the most poorly understood and ineffectively used tools in the Lean arsenal is 5S.  It is a common misbelief that 5S is just housekeeping. 5S is a tool comprising 5 steps where the descriptor for each step starts with a letter S.  Originally, they were Japanese words which have subsequently been translated into […]

Why problems occur – An introduction to Root Cause Analysis.

In last month’s article I put forward that “Respect for People,” one of the key pillars in any Lean organisation, was more than being polite and courteous. It was in fact involving your team in the business by giving them an opportunity or even actively encouraging them to solve their problems. In this newsletter, I […]

R.E.S.P.E.C.T…find out what it means…

RESPECT FOR PEOPLE Improve your business (Part 4) Over the past few months we have provided a series of newsletters introducing the business philosophy called Lean Thinking.  We have discussed “Value” as a concept from a customer or consumer perspective and concluded the most simplistic way to create Value for our organisations was to eliminate […]

Improve Your Business (Part 3) – Value of Waste

Waste Elimination – Understanding what TIM WOODS is Costing YOU In our last Newsletter, we introduced the concept of waste and that this exists in every business. If you are to be competitive by delivering a product or service which the consumer or customers are prepared to pay for while ensuring the organisation makes money, […]

The West Gate Bridge Disaster

The West Gate Bridge Disaster On the 15th of October 1970 at 11.50 a.m. a 367-ft. span of the West Gate Bridge collapsed without warning killing 35 men.

Improve Your Business with Lean Thinking

Article by Grant Winter In today’s business environment competitiveness is constantly increasing, whether it’s the rapidly changing legislative landscape or the greater number of competitors, many of which could be international in nature having much lower cost structures and inputs.  Add to this, advances in technology plus the changes in our demographics leads to a […]

The True Cost of Work Injuries

Work injury claim form

The True Cost of Work-Related Injury, Illness and Disease in Australia Work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths impose real and significant costs on employers, workers and the community. These include both direct costs and indirect costs.  Direct costs include items such as workers’ compensation premiums paid by employers or payments to injured or incapacitated workers.

Dismissal upheld – Confidential client list

The Fair Work Commission has dismissed an employee’s application for unfair dismissal, finding that the employer’s decision to terminate the employee for serious misconduct was reasonable as the employee’s action can be construed as constituting a breach of the confidentiality obligations in her employment contract. An employee who held the position of Account Executive was […]