Mon to Fri 8:30am – 5:00pm     1300 116 400

Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5:00pm     1300 116 400

Workplace partners can assist you in developing monthly or quarterly reports for your business.

Key performance indicators in productivity, safety, environmental and quality management need to be measured on a regular basis. Key performance indicators can assist your business in measuring business performance and identifying trends within the business that may require improvement to enable the business to fulfil its full potential and for continuous improvement.

Most tender applications require submission of the businesses measurable reporting system to show the business has a proactive, structured and monitored management system and a proactive safety culture within the business.

The standard measurable reportable statistics include hours worked, incident and injury frequency rates, productivity measures, near miss reports, hazard identification, environmental measures, toolbox talks and various other measures applicable to the business.

Workplace partners can provide assistance in developing a user friendly system for calculating monthly statistics and developing monthly reports. If your business has limited resources to maintain this reporting requirement, Workplace Partners can develop and provide this report for your business on a monthly or quarterly basis as your business requires, please contact Workplace Partners on 1300 116 400 if you if you wish to access to this service.


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