Understanding Family and Domestic Violence Leave

Overview of Family and Domestic Violence Leave Family and domestic violence leave forms part of the Fair Work Act – National Employment Standards (NES). All employees (including casual employees) are entitled to Family and domestic violence leave. A paid entitlement of 10 days paid Family and domestic Violence leave has been introduced for all employees […]
Respect at Work: How will it impact your business?

The Respect at Work Act will see milestone changes to workplace sexual harassment laws in Australia Workplaces must prepare for significant changes to sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and victimisation laws after the Parliament of Australia passed the Respect at Work Act in November 2022. It received Royal Assent, on 12 December 2022 and Australian workplaces will […]
Ho…Ho…No! How to avoid HR issues at your work Christmas party

Work Christmas parties offer a great opportunity to celebrate the year’s work, but they can also cause HR hangovers if not effectively managed. Work Christmas parties are a great way to celebrate with your staff and are often eagerly anticipated events. However, they’re also notorious for alcohol-fuelled incidents such as sexual harassment and safety breaches, […]
Flexible working arrangements for employees

Flexible working arrangements for employees: what should I know? Which employees are eligible to apply for flexible working arrangements, and how should employers manage these requests? The Covid pandemic has prompted dramatic changes to Australian work culture. As a result, flexible working arrangements for employees are becoming the norm rather than the exception. And there’s […]
Public Holiday Entitlements

The National Employment Standards sets out employee entitlements for public holidays in Australia. Here’s your guide to understanding public holiday entitlements. Overview of public holiday entitlements Public Holiday entitlement form part of the Fair Work Act – National Employment Standards (NES). Under the NES and employee is entitled to be absent from work on a […]
Best-practice tips for addressing employee performance issues

An under-performing employee can present significant management challenges, but timely and effective intervention is the key to getting things back on track Employee under-performance can happen for many reasons and can impact your entire organisation if not effectively managed. It’s critical to: Protect your staff Maintain productivity Avoid legal problems These things require careful handling, […]
Changes to Superannuation From 1 July 2021

What is Superannuation Guarantee? The Superannuation Guarantee (SG) is the minimum percentage of each eligible employee’s ‘ordinary time earnings’ that an employer must contribute to an employee’s complying super fund. This percentage is legislated by the Federal Australian Government and is administered by the Australian Taxation Office. The current SG percentage rate is 9.5% of […]
Fair Work Minimum Wage Increase 2021

Annual Wage Review decision by Fair Work Commission has resulted in a 2.5% wage increase effective 1 July 2021. The Annual Wage Review panel has handed down its decision to increase the national minimum wage and minimum rates under modern awards by 2.5%. This brings the national minimum wage to $772.64 per week ($20.33 per/hour) […]
Important update on changes to casual employment

Effective Saturday 27 March 2021, the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act) was amended introducing changes to workplace rights and obligations for casual employees. The following are key changes that have been introduced: Casual Employment Information Statement Definition for casual employment Right to casual conversion (convert a casual employee to permanent employment) Casual loading offset […]
The importance of having a Human Resources consultant that specialises in your industry

What is Human Resources and Industrial Relations? Human Resources (HR) is quite literally just a blanket term for your employees and the resources they provide to your business. Their skills, knowledge and work output are all resources your business needs and their emotional needs, future planning, training and company culture are all things a Human […]